But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11)
O come o come Emmanuel
And ransom captive hearts that fell
Bring peace on earth and love’s goodwill for everyone
For You so loved the world You gave
Your life for us to heal and save
We hear the whispers of Your grace for everyone (Matt Maher)
We rejoice with the angels,
shepherds and Magi,
The wait is over!
God, our Savior,
Immanuel is come.
We rejoice in your amazing love
that reaches to all and covers all.
Overwhelm us with this love
So high and so wide,
So deep and so long,
Let us live fully in your embrace,
so secure and so strong.
May your love overflow our hearts,
so that we may be people of
mercy and grace and peace.
And let our lives be
an outpouring of your love,
an invitation to all those we meet
to come, find their place in your great story.
We rejoice with the angels,
shepherds and Magi,
God, our Savior,
Immanuel is come. (Dianne Poleme)
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Enter the Story - Merry Christmas
Posted by terry at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Enter the Story
This Advent season our faith community is seeking to understand and then enter the Christmas story in a deeper way. One of the greatest invitations to do so comes to us through the artform and gift of music. Have you ever noticed how a beautiful song can open us up to deeper truth and reality?
On December 1, Product RED launched a new music site called (RED)Wire. (RED)Wire is a digital subscription music magazine that makes a difference by sharing exclusive music from some of the world's greatest artists every week and using the proceeds to provide people living with HIV in Africa the medicine they need to stay alive. $50 if you can guess which band was featured in first issue.
Some of you may remember Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's Christmas classic, "I Believe in Father Christmas." To be honest, some of the original lyrical content of this song is pretty cynical, skeptical and even agnostic in nature. Take a listen to U2's cover of this song and I would love to hear your thoughts on some of Bono's subtle lyric changes.
Stay connected...
Posted by terry at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully
Our faith community is once again pushing into the Advent Conspiracy. We are asking ourselves this question: what if Christmas became a world-changing event again? The story of Christ's birth is a story of promise, hope, and a revolutionary love. So, what happened along the way? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists. And when it's all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling of missed purpose.
What if Christmas became a world-changing event again?
The Advent Conspiracy invites us to:
- Worship Fully
- Spend Less
- Give More
- Love All
Yesterday I shared with our community some reflections on the "Worship Fully" theme, drawing upon the story of the Magi and King Herod found in Matthew 2. I called it "The Tale of Two Kings" and reminding us all that "they were the best of kings and the worst of kings." A focal part of my message centered around Matthew 2:11 - "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." In the spirit of "worship fully" I asked the question, "what is in your treasure bag and will you bring it to the feet of the new born King?"
If you know me at all, you know that one of my personal passions is worship and I have devoted a significant portion of my life to helping people expand their understanding and practice of worship. Last year I coined this definition: Worship is offering our lives back to God for the life of the world. Paul's words in Romans 12 helped shape this understanding: "So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. (Romans 12:1-2, The Message).
I have been reading an excellent book the past week, the latest from Margaret Feinberg, The Sacred Echo and it certainly informed my message yesterday. She has a great chapter entitled, "If You Don't Wear Your Crown (I will Give It to Someone Else)" and I included these words:
"If you don’t wear this crown I will give it to someone else. The words churned in my soul. Though I first interpreted the statement s an ultimatum, I eventually came to understand it as an invitation. In a poignant way, God was saying, “I want to be glorified in you and through you. I made you for this. But if you will not allow me to be glorified in you, I will find someone else.” I have to admit I withheld my decision, choosing instead to continue wrestling with God and myself. Is God really still looking for men and women (and boys and girls) who will fully yield themselves to him? And when he finds them, what can God do in and through them to glorify Himself?"
How does God want to be glorified in you, with you, and through you? Your bag of treasure is your very life - not just your life for an hour or so on Sunday morning, but your everyday, ordinary life.
Yesterday morning, our plan was to conclude our gathering by praying together the following words crafted by Dianne, a member of our community. In a moment of lostness, I completely blew it. So today, as you consider what it means to worship fully, I invite you to pray them and live them.
Child of promise,
We joyfully anticipate your coming.
Immanuel, God with us,
We celebrate your arrival.
Our Savior and our God,
We rejoice in your enduring presence.
As we enter into
This season of waiting,
With humble hearts
We worship you.
For all you are,
For all you’ve done,
For all you continue to do,
Your work in our lives,
Your work in this world
We worship you with all we are,
In all we say and do.
With all our hearts, with all our minds,
With all our souls, with all our strength.
We wait,
And while we wait,
We worship You.
(shared by Dianne Polome)
Stay connected...
Posted by terry at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
6,000 Reasons: World AIDS Day
Today is World AIDS Day. This year the United Nations theme is Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise. Allow me to share 6,000 reasons why you should care.
6,000 reasons . . . and each has a name
6,000 reasons . . . and each has a face
6,000 reasons . . . and each has a story
Today, like every day, 6,000 children will lose a parent to AIDS.
Today, like every day, we have 6,000 reasons to care.
Today, like every day, we have 6,000 reasons to offer HOPE .
Thousands of children will lose a parent today because of AIDS. UNICEF estimates that 6,000 children lose a parent to AIDS every day. Each child has a name — and a heart-breaking story.
On this World AIDS let me suggest six things you can do to bring real help and hope to people in our world living with the reality of HIV and AIDS.
1) Take an AIDS Test: How much do you really know about AIDS? One of the reasons AIDS continues to be such a global concern is that the disease is surrounded by myth and misinformation. World Vision has a simple online test that will quickly reveal your knowledge base. And the good news: no blood is required.
2) Learn and Listen: Read a book on the reality of this global pandemic.
The Skeptics Guide to the World AIDS Crisis (Dale Hanson)
The Hope Factor (Tetsunao Yamamori)
There Is No Me without You (Melissa Greene)
28: Stories of AIDS in Africa (Stephanie Nolan)
Listen to this message of compassion and hope by Princess Zulu, an international spokesperson on AIDS and HIDS. Princess knows first-hand the reality of HIV and AIDS as she has lost both of her parents to AIDS and is living HIV+.
3) Get RED: During the season of gift giving, buy (Red) and give life. There are hundreds of products that you can purchase and also provide support for the elimination of AIDS in Africa. Today PRODUCT Red has launched RED WIRE, a weekly digital music magazine where you can receive exclusive music from the world's greatest artists, and people living with HIV in Africa will get the medicine they need to stay alive.
4) Advocate: Contact your members of Congress and urge them to continue exercising leadership on this critical issue. With great power comes great responsibility.
5) Fast: Poverty is one of the leading causes of AIDS. The Micah Challenge is inviting people to ACT FAST for seven weeks to end extreme poverty in our world.
6) Pray: Ask God to show you what you can do TODAY to bring real help and hope to people living with HIV and AIDS, both near and far and everywhere in-between. May God give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that will respond in faith, hope and love.
Stay connected...
Posted by terry at 5:21 AM 1 comments
Labels: World AIDS Day