Thursday, March 26, 2009

An Invitation to Join Me on a W-Trek

Most of you know worship is one of my personal passions. As I look back at my ministry over the last 25 years, I can see how God has used me to invite people and communities to enter more deeply into the mysterious thing we call worship. And so I invite you to join me for a W-Trek.

What is a W-trek? W-treks are a small band of fellow travelers who come together as a learning community seeking a deeper experience of worship and most importantly a deeper relationship with the One we worship. W-treks differ from traditional sit-and-soak events because they are multi-sensory, integrative, interactive and involve participants on a variety of levels.

Who should attend a W-trek?
Worshipers of all types would benefit from participation in a W-trek. joining a trek can be extremely valuable for those serving as worship leaders, pastors, worship designers, or members of worship teams.

Trek Guide
Terry Timm, serves as lead pastor of Christ Community Church of the South Hills. Terry is a seasoned worship leader and brings his background in music, education, theology, and teams to this trek leadership.

Trek Signposts
Signpost One: what is worship?
Signpost Two: worship in the post-modern world
Signpost Three: worship in the experience economy
Signpost Four: epic worship
Signpost Five: designing worship in community
Signpost Six: worship and mission

Trek Expenses
$25 which includes trek guide, resources and refreshments

Trek Dates (choose one)
Saturday April 18, 25, May 2 (8:45 AM - 11:15 AM)
Tuesday April 21, (no trek on April 28) May 5, 12 (7 – 9 PM)

Trek Departure Point
The Uptown Center, 668 Washington Road in Mt Lebanon, PA

To register for a w-trek:
Simply email terry @ indicating a Saturday or Tuesday departure and forward a check (payable to CCCSH):
126 Woodhaven drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15228.

All proceeds from the trek will go to the establishment of the Pastors Resource Center in Guraghe, Ethiopia.

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