Yesterday I accepted an invitation to participate in the Fermi Project's Q. Q is the brainchild of Gabe Lyons, co-author of unChristian, a must read book for people in ministry leadership. The big idea behind Q is simple: Q is a place where innovators, church leaders, social entrepreneurs, and cultural leaders come together to explore the church’s role in positively contributing to culture.
Q was created as a gathering place for leaders in the church to become informed and exposed to future-culture. In a three-day experience, Q introduces participants to twenty-five presenters on a myriad of topics selected to heighten their awareness and challenge their creativity as they consider their role in shaping culture. No other gathering exists that attracts pioneers of the church and the most innovative thinkers into one space for conversation, learning, invention and collaboration. Q brings together key voices in the church and exposes them to the fundamental cultural, social and environmental shifts taking place in the world. By exposing church leaders to current realities about our culture, they can re-imagine how the gospel can be expressed in this context – forever changing their approach in their cities and communities (from Q website).
The last month I have been praying and searching for some space this year to learn, grow and be stretched. My community of faith encourages me to take time each year to leave our community and plug into something that will renew, refresh, and challenge me. I thought about heading out to Origins in So Cal, or perhaps a worship conference somewhere sunny and warm (it has been a long winter in Pittsburgh). Instead I will be spending three days in April in New York City with 500 other leaders at Q. Presenters like Louie Giglio, Dr. Francis Collins, Diane Louise Jordan from the BBC, Ruth Padilla Deborst from the Latin American Theological Fellowship, artist Makoto Fujimure, Jim Wallis and Chuck Colsen. Let me tell I am pumped.
When I submitted my application I was asked why I desired to participate in Q. Here was my response:
As a leader of a missional community of faith with the opportunity to serve with leaders in the marketplace, education, and the arts, I want to become more and more aware of what God is doing in our world and discover fresh ways to empower, inspire, and stand shoulder to shoulder with others to bring the kingdom of God near in our world. I am committed to being a life long learner and Q is an environment where my passion will be fueled. As well, as I enter the second half of my life and ministry, I am looking to invest more of myself in emerging leaders and Q will help me connect with others who have a similar passion, call, and intention.
Please pray for for my journey toward Q.
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