Friday, April 11, 2008

Q Day 3

It is hard to believe that Q has come to an end. Three intense days of new ideas, new connections, new voices and a renewed stirring of my mind, heart, soul and spirit. Here were the big ideas from this morning's session.

Jud Wilhite reminded us that the culture war is over – we lost. But we are now free to stop fighting and instead take a different posture toward people: a posture of grace over judgment, love over inaction, and truth over inauthenticity.

Os Guniess face the reality of a post-Christian world to have our eyes wide open to the challenge facing followers of Jesus and to make sure that when the Son of Man does return He will find faith among us.

Shane Hipps declared that the medium is the message and that we become what we behold.

Ruth Padilla de Borst as we come to the table to remember to ask, “who is missing”? and be willing to change our table manners for the sake of including all God’s People in the great banquet.

I look forward to processing Q and thinking out loud about my experience over the coupe of weeks and months. Would you please join me in the conversation?

Stay connected...


Barbara said...

'Q' sounds like a very mind expanding experience. Did you find the speakers to be in union or were there some mixed messages or contradictions? I usually find that with so many speakers it can be confusing if they aren't on the same page. Welcome back to reality.

terry said...

the speakers were not all on the same page, nor were the attenders. i think that is what made the experience so rich. some of the speakers made it a point to interact in their 18 minutes with previous presenters, clarifying, expanding, was not a comfortable or easy environment.